Shara Terry, Real Estate Professional with Keller Williams Sonoran Living

Sunday, February 22, 2015

Especially for Women – Secrets to Living a Full Life

Photo Credit Nate Castro

March 8th is International Women’s Day. It is that one special day to regard and honor the achievements of women all over the world. It is also a chance to acknowledge the women in our lives who have worked and continue to work so hard each and every day – our mothers, aunts, grandmothers, daughters, granddaughters, sisters and colleagues. Most importantly, it is a day to honor ourselves!

As women, it is natural for us to attend to the needs of everyone else before our own. Try to remember that Superwoman does not really exist. The simple truth is that we cannot help other people to the best of our ability unless we have first taken the time to look after ourselves. If you consider this notion, you will discover that it is rather logical.

Think about the warning displayed in airline oxygen kits and explained during the flight attendant’s briefings. The instructions are actually quite simple. In the event of an emergency, you must attach your own oxygen mask first before doing so for others. If you cannot breathe, you will not be of much use to anyone. This is a valuable life lesson that is often ignored.

This International Women’s Day, I would like to encourage women to take the time to breathe. Realize that you have the power to control the level of chaos in your life. A successful and full life is all about balance within your heart and soul, between career and family, and work and play. While attending to the wants and needs of others, it is crucial to schedule in a little “me” time each and every week. How you spend it is up to you. Perhaps you need a massage, a movie date with friends or a hot drink in front of a roaring fire with your favorite author.

Remember that just as your clients need you to be well rested and on top of your game, so does your family. If you find yourself stressed-out and overworked, set aside some time for rest and relaxation. You will emerge recharged and better equipped to handle everyday challenges. Treat family and “alone” time in the same manner as you would any professional commitment - stick to the schedule as much as possible. You owe it to your clients, your family, to women everywhere and most of all – to YOURSELF.

Happy International Women’s Day to you and all the incredible women in your life!

Tuesday, February 10, 2015

How to Get Buyers to Notice Your Property

We are now living in the information age. High technology and readily available internet access have revolutionized the real estate industry. A successful marketing strategy for selling a home must address the realities and opportunities the digital era provides to achieve maximum exposure.

When I list a property for sale, the first order of business is to get information on the new listing to as many people as quickly as possible. It is the only way to stay ahead of the competition. Generating early interest involves taking all the necessary steps, plus a few extra ones, to publicize and highlight the property. Realtors who invoke chatter and interest right out of the starting gate are more likely to broker a sale for full asking price on behalf of their clients.

Nowadays, it all begins with a comprehensive and effective online presence in the local MLS and all other real estate websites that are popular in your region. The vast majority of buyers will have looked at hundreds of homes online before they even visit a real estate agent. Professional quality digital photos are a must. Listings without photos will be passed over by many potential buyers. The photos should cover both the interior and exterior of the home while showcasing its finest features. Together with your Realtor, decide early on in the process what those features are. Then, proceed to highlight them in all presentations. Help buyers to see exactly what it is that makes your property stand out from the others.

Open houses are still an important and effective marketing tool. I try to avoid the generic sign and balloon at the end of the street and, instead, aim to personalize every open house I host by sending invitations to neighboring homeowners and possible buyers. This helps spread the word and get people to talk about the new listing. I also like to conduct Realtor’s open houses, especially if the property is not selling as quickly as everyone would like. There is a buyer out there for every property and the Realtor’s open house gives other agents an up close and personal view of the property.  The feedback I receive from other professionals in the market is invaluable. They may very well have the perfect buyer for your home.

In the cyber era, it is essential that real estate agents and sellers avail themselves of the digital tools that carry information to the greatest number of potential buyers. That information then needs to be presented in a manner that distinguishes the home from others in the same locale and price range. Give buyers a reason to want to see more and they will come!